Friday, March 16, 2012

Make walking youthful ...........

Walking Away
Like a walk ..?? "Walk? Ah no, I'll like the Talas Bogor calf .. "That girl-girl said today ...
Hey girll, you know the benefits of walking?
Ok I know you well ... hehee been proven that walking routine can solve many health problems ranging from migraine, weight gain (tuh right), respiratory problems, heart, and so forth.
You know, walking leisurely 2-3 miles per day at least able to cope with various diseases? Here are 10 benefits of walking as quoted from the Medicine:
- Avoiding of type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes prevention program shows, walking 150 minutes per week will reduce the 7 percent of your weight or about 7 kg. More importantly can reduce diabetes by 58 percent.
- Strengthen the heart of man.
In one study, the mortality rate in men who walked less pension than 1 mile per day two times more than those who travel a distance of 2 miles per day.
- Strengthen the female heart.
Studies conducted on 72 488 women shows, walk 3 hours per week will reduce your risk of heart attack or other heart diseases.
- Good for the brain.
In a study of the foot was found, the woman who runs 1.5 hours per week of work function of organs heads are better than those who only runs 40 minutes per week.
- Good for the bones.
Research shows that postmenopausal women who walked less than 1 mile per day had better bone density than those who do little walking, and walking is very effective to reduce bone loss in the legs.
- Reduces the symptoms of depression.
Walking for 30 minutes, 3-5 times per week for 12 weeks, reducing the symptoms of depression.
- Reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer.
Women who regularly walk 65 minutes hinga 135 minutes per week can reduce your risk of breast and colon cancer by 18 percent compared to women who are not active. The study showed, exercise can prevent colon cancer. For people who have been exposed to second cancer, exercise can improve quality of life and reduce mortality.
- Improving fitness.
Walk 3 times per week for 30 minutes can improve fitness and respiratory system significantly.
- Short walks even improve your fitness.
Studies conducted on female pedestrians show, a short walk about 10 minutes per day also had some health effects. The result will be seen in the increase in fitness and body fat reduction, if carried out up to 30 minutes per day.
- Improving physical function.
Research shows, walking can improve your fitness and work function of the body and protects the body from degenerative disease in the elderly.
So, still lazy to walk? Heee........

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